Hindrances to finding rest – Your job as a mom never stops.

I know life is crazy with little ones. I have a 20 month old daughter who is so cute, she loves to play and runs around getting into things constantly. 🙂 This season of trying to pursue rest looks SO different than before I had her. I know rest is still possible, it just takes more effort to plan for it. Just so you know, I need rest even more now and it is worth fighting for!


My busy little bee.

Ideas for having a day of rest with littles:

  • Give yourself the day off of daily chores such as laundry or house cleaning – Try to get the major cleaning tasks done the day before so the house isn’t screaming at you when you are trying to rest
  • Make a few bigger meals the days before and then on your rest day you can have leftovers, make simple meals or plan to go out to eat. You do not need to wear yourself out making a big meal.
  • Do something that is enjoyable/restful that you wouldn’t normally during your kids nap time. Maybe read a book for fun, take a bubble bath, paint your nails, listen to your favorite music, etc.
  • If they are willing, plan ahead for your spouse to watch your kids for an hour or two, and spend some quality time with Jesus. This might mean leaving the house and going somewhere quiet or peaceful. Spend some time reflecting, meditating , praying or worshiping. Just be with Jesus!
  • Bring your kids into the restfulness! Listen to music, make a craft together, read books with them or play together outside as a family. Take this day to set aside all other distractions and really focus on your kids and listen to them.
  • Have this day be a internet free day. If the internet and technology are a distraction for you that keeps you from being restful then by all means turn it off! You will not miss anything that important, and if turning it off for a time helps you reconnect with your family and with Jesus please do!

These are just suggestions, some things may be helpful to try while others will not. I’m hopeful that these will help you jump over the obstacle of finding rest as a parent of little kids.

What has helped me so far:

  • My husband being willing to watch my daughter so I can have an extended break (an hour or two by myself). This tends to be on the weekend, and I try to talk to him ahead of time and see what can work for him. (Its good to communicate a starting/ending time so we are on the same page.)
  • Using nap time wisely by being intentional to do something restful during that time has been good.
  • Going out to eat or having leftovers keeps me from being stressed about food on that day.

If you are a mom and trying to find times of rest…I would love to hear from you about what has worked for you in this season!

As a mom, what specific hindrances to rest have you faced? Have you found ways to overcome those obstacles?


*Here is a blog post by Janet at powerofmoms.com that has some additional ideas about finding rest as a mom.

2 thoughts on “Hindrances to finding rest – Your job as a mom never stops.

  1. Bekah says:

    These are such great Ideas! It is so helpful that you gave several options so mom’s can pick what works best for Them! We try to have a quiet hour each day. I love crafts so each day I pick a new one to keep my girls busy and quiet so I can read or rest. Most of the time I give them outside activities since we have the same temperature all year long. I have made mud paint for them to do, buckets of water to bring all the barbies and babies, play dough to mix with dirt all their Legos outside, they paint toilet paper rolls, really it is Endless! I am so blessed to have house help and I will have her cook for our family twice a week so we can rest. I definitely want to embrace rest even as we get ready to have Bethany interns, it may look differently than now. I love you Jess.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bystillwatersblog says:

      Bekah, Thanks! I really like your idea of the quiet hour every day! That is something I will try and implement in the future. You are so creative, I love that about you! It definitely is a challenge when life situations change, but I think implementing rest as a normal part of your life just how you have with the quiet hour is a good thing. Love you too Bekah!


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